For the wing:
• Place right sides together, sew together, but leave the longer edge open.
• Cut back the seam allowances.
• Turn right side out.
• Topstitch to the width of the presser foot.
Spaceship front part
• Cut out the circle according to the marking and attach the curtain eyelet.
• Decorate the front part with coloured felt strips or ribbons.
• Sew the wings on to the side.
• Cut the flames out of felt.
• Lay on top of each other and sew together. Alternatively: glue with textile glue.
• Sew the flames onto the lower edge of the fabric on the front part of the rocket.
Spaceship body
• Put the zipper right sides together on the straight long edge of the artificial leather and sew on at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the fabric.
• Topstitch from the right.
• Sew on the tip of the rocket.
• Place the front part on the rear part, right sides together. Fix with clamps. Open the zipper a little and sew both parts together.
• If necessary, cut back the seam allowances a little.
• Turn the rocket to the right side