The following pattern was an absolute hit on our Little Darling blog. In just 10 minutes you can conjure up very a cute turban hat for your little darlings with this free pattern.

The blogger from Little Darling has given the turban hat a nifty extra. Download the Freebook and take a look at our colleague’s blog. She always has great ideas for what to sew for your kids. She always sews with fabrics from the current Little Darling collection.

The pattern turban hat includes 7 sizes – from 40 to 56 cm head circumference. You can find the Freebook here. Please be aware the pattern does not contain any seam allowances!

Recommended fabric: Please only use stretchy fabrics (jersey, summer sweat)

What do you need?

Scraps of fabric for a hat with a head circumference of 40 to 56 cm.

Stretchy fabrics such as jersey or summer sweat are best.


Place the template on the fabric and cut with seam allowances.

Variation 1: The little turban hat is a great sewing project to recycle leftovers! cut 2 individual headbands and neaten the fabric edges as shown.

Knotenmütze Schnittmuster

Option 2: If you have enough fabric, you can place the headband template directly on the fold edge of the fabric. Cut out and neaten the fabric edges. This is what the headband looks like when opened:

Mütze nähen für Kinder

Variation 1: Place the two parts right sides together, sewing together leaving a small opening (1.5-2 cm) for the bow.



Turban Mütze nähen

Variation 2: Fold the headband right sides together, sew the top edges of the fabric together, leaving a small opening (1.5-2 cm) at the top for the bow.

Turban Mütze Schnittmuster kostenlos

Das Bündchen rechts auf rechts legen, zu einem Ring schließen – die kurzen Stoffkanten zusammennähen.

Bündchen nähen Mütze

Fold the headband lengthways in the middle, left sides together, put right sides together over the open edge of the hat and sew onto the hat.

Turban Mütze Freebook

Bow: Place the two pieces right sides together, sewing together leaving a small opening to turn. Cut back the seam allowances, turn right side out, close the opening and iron.

Turban mit Schleife Schnittmuster

Insert the loop through the opening at the top, knot it nicely – done!

Baby Turban nähen

Mütze mit Knoten nähen